
"Why isn't wing called 'the void master' ????" ~HexDSL

I know the feeling Mr moonpope -_-


Been reading about IndieWeb standards lately, thinking of making something. Perhaps at least an IndieAuth server 🤔


Just made some hot chocolate with added cherry syrup, delicious 😋


Feel like I should specify, dog's tail is like 60% hair and no actual tail entered the very hot water


Left my tea on the table, walked away to do something for a minute, dog jumped up on the chair, did a little spin asks managed to dunk his tail it my cup :|


the void: sponsored by debian


Monday night I had my first ocular migraine. Had some after effects yesterday but I think I was good form this morning. Scary experience :|


I thought the crew was a car game 🤔


mad that i still come across musicians websites that have no links to anywhere to buy their music, only streaming links. i have even come across the odd one who doesn't seem to sell their music digitally at all!


Last week was weirdly warm and on two days, actually hot. It seems to have gotten properly chilly, finally, welcome autumn!


today i have learned motus. it's a flying wildlife tracking system. you can pick a station on the map and see what species are in the area, neat!


Hmm... Someone was up early this morning!


made some fajitas today, delicious~


My void bookmark on my phone now has an icon, guess that means it works


void should now have a favicon, made the lovely hex ❤️


a herd of cyclists went by the house earlier

there was like 30


really odd seeing ads at the top of READMEs, feel like I've been seeing more and more of them, especially for that fucking ai terminal

i don't begrudge people trying to get paid for their work but i can't help but feel that ads are always scummy, and having them in READMEs is weird


a fly flew in front of my monitor, then, a few minutes later, it landed on my monitor screen. i blew it away. this happened twice more before it landed on the top edge of my monitor... then it flew right into my face. this fly had it out for me, i was going to let it live, it was like 23:40, i couldn't be bothered, but no, it repeatedly flew around, and at, me.

turned on the light and waited for the bastard to land somewhere. many minutes and several failed attempts to smack the little fucker, it landed on the wall opposite my desk. i moved the second i noticed it and crushed the nuisance.

you could have lived you little shit.


@moonpope it's an abomination!


@hex how strange, I bought some mint humbugs last week! Love 'em


Had a phone update, they finally fixed the dex bug that made the mouse stop moving if you had a text box selected. It was really annoying when using messenging apps and termux..... and the browser

it was really all the time really

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