
"Why isn't wing called 'the void master' ????" ~HexDSL

a herd of cyclists went by the house earlier

there was like 30


really odd seeing ads at the top of READMEs, feel like I've been seeing more and more of them, especially for that fucking ai terminal

i don't begrudge people trying to get paid for their work but i can't help but feel that ads are always scummy, and having them in READMEs is weird


a fly flew in front of my monitor, then, a few minutes later, it landed on my monitor screen. i blew it away. this happened twice more before it landed on the top edge of my monitor... then it flew right into my face. this fly had it out for me, i was going to let it live, it was like 23:40, i couldn't be bothered, but no, it repeatedly flew around, and at, me.

turned on the light and waited for the bastard to land somewhere. many minutes and several failed attempts to smack the little fucker, it landed on the wall opposite my desk. i moved the second i noticed it and crushed the nuisance.

you could have lived you little shit.


@moonpope it's an abomination!


@hex how strange, I bought some mint humbugs last week! Love 'em


Had a phone update, they finally fixed the dex bug that made the mouse stop moving if you had a text box selected. It was really annoying when using messenging apps and termux..... and the browser

it was really all the time really


Though I suppose there's no reason we can't have a vault on the moon


Today I will add custom banners to caw so I can fix void having the default one


this has been "wings disconnected thought about game"


played my first "against humans" match of deadlock for a couple of hours with a friend last night. i had previously just loaded it up and messed in the training mode for a bit, hadn't even done a bot match

i've never really took to DOTA-style games before and while it's not exactly that, it's heavily based on it so i'll say it is at least the most fun "that type of game" that i've tried.

encountered some funny bugs like when i was playing the gargoyle, i did the "turn into a statue and smash people below you" skill and when i was supposed to change back to normal my character model just stayed in statue form and grow huge before popping back to normal. nothing game breaking or anything that caused me to die, just funny stuff. it's obviously still early in development.

the characters are pretty varied. i did feel like some were a bit under powered though that one might be down to me being a bit overwhelmed by the upgrade shop and not picking the best things. there is a robot man that has a skill where shoots lightning everywhere that seemed to eviscerate everything around him every time i encountered someone playing him, he's the only one that seemed overpowered to me so far.

one interesting thing that my friend pointed out was that the characters can only be played by one person in each match so that means if someone is using a character even the other team can't use them. i don't think i've seen a game do that before.

speaking of character selection, you have to pick a minimum of three before a match, you then get assigned one of your chosen characters to play. you can prioritise one, presumably if it's possible for you to get multiple of your selected characters. i suppose it's to encourage people to change up their playstyle and not lock into a single characters.

i'm not sure if it's the type of game i'm going to keep coming back to but i definitely wasn't bored, interested to see where it goes~


til: you can move your mouse around during the no man's sky loading screen to look around at the stars


Hmm... Gonna have some pancakes 😋


Got 6 or 7 buzzards living in the trees across the road now, lovely~


speaking of dex, at some point a transparency button appeared in the title bar. no idea if that's something I'll ever use but neat, none the less


Somehow never thought to look at void while using dex, it looks... exactly like it does on desktop, good job dex


Must also add the identifiers to the timeline posts. No idea how I managed to not have them there

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